Irresistible engineering moments, all authored by Nathan Irresistible engineering moments, all authored by Nathan
Our articles about solving software problems in organ engineering
Irresistible engineering moments, all authored by Nathan

6 months ago

Test Driven Design

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6 months ago

Cyclomatic complexity - why your software breaks

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6 months ago

C&GT Resources and managing recipes

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a year ago

Outsource technical cofounder

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6 years ago

Integrate task warrior into daily workflow

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7 years ago

Long term testing of windows software with devices

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8 years ago

Micro-Angiography UX

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6 months ago

Test Driven Design

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6 months ago

Cyclomatic complexity - why your software breaks

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6 months ago

C&GT Resources and managing recipes

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a year ago

Outsource technical cofounder

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6 years ago

Integrate task warrior into daily workflow

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7 years ago

Long term testing of windows software with devices

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8 years ago

Micro-Angiography UX

0 comments Read more

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